Tag: husband

  • Tug of War

    It’s funny how time plays out between the twins because when I met them at 9 months Alex was so drawn to me. James didn’t care too much; he preferred to be around his mother. Although James did love me it wasn’t until I introduced him to godzilla, after that he saw me as the…

  • Spring Cleaning

    An idea that’s worth the digging Spring cleaning was a full days work this year. Apparently my daughter cleaned her room but when I checked, it was still a mess. She tells me she doesnt have room in her closet and when I checked, it was so. What occupied the space was old toys and…

  • Get Your Reading On!

    This will be my first post and my intentions with this blog is to share my experience not only being a step dad but also raising twin boys. These are usually two topics that are not always easy because not every parent has twins or are raising a child who isn’t theirs.  I will also…